11u Players Looking For Teams
Posted Age Class City, State
6/13/2023 11u Perry,KS
Name: Wyatt Goodrick
Contact Name: Tiffany Goodrick
Number: 785-218-9855
Email: [email protected]
He has played 3rd base, pitcher, center and catcher. He has done competitive ball and on a small town team as well. He is wanting to play fall ball and summer ball
Posted Age Class City, State
5/03/2023 11u AAA Eudora
Name: Kamden Robson
Contact Name: Brandon Robson
Number: 7855503935
Email: [email protected]
Kam has played up for the last three years and has competed well with the kids in the age group. I want to bring him back down with his age and let him use his strengths for his own age group. He has caught since he’s 6, had lessons every winter with a trainer and when he’s not playing catcher he’s a great outfielder. Has a very strong bat. Has a good attitude and is always willing to learn with the right coaches. |